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Monday - Friday9.00 - 20.00
Office:34 Lesi Ukrainky Blvd, office 603, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01133
Phone+380 67 364-84-01
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CBR studiesAudience Affluent vs. Mass Active

Based on results of Mass Active audience study, which was conducted by the CBR in May of this year, only 17% of the respondents are Affluent audience with high-income (with a personal monthly income of more than 20,000 UAH).

The peculiarity of this audience is that:
📌 it is much more active in using financial services.
📌 is less prone to crises and recovers faster in the post-crisis period.

A study of the more profitable part of Ukrainian population («Affluent») will enable banks to analyze their financial needs and the most relevant financial products and services today (i.e., to analyze in greater detail the segment's behavior in saving their own funds).

In connection with this, the CBR team brings to your attention a study of the «Affluent» segment, the methodology of which can be found in the attached file:

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